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  1. BELEID:

Front Nasionaal neem as amptelike partybeleid die resolusie aangeneem deur die Verenigde Nasies se algemene vergadering op 30 November 1970 en –

  1. aanvaar die legitimiteit van onderdrukte mense se reg tot selfbeskikking en om daardie reg na te jaag met enige middels tot hulle beskikking;

  2. erken  die reg van onderdrukte mense om in die uitvoering van hulle reg tot selfbeskikking te vra vir morele en materiële ondersteuning in ooreenstemming met resolusies van die Verenigde Nasies en in die gees van die Handves van die Verenigde Nasies;

  3. doen ‘n beroep  op alle regerings wat die reg tot selfbeskikking minag, om daardie reg te erken in ooreenstemming met internasionale strukture en die beginsels en gees van die VN Handves;

  4. erken  dat die verkryging en onthouding van grondgebied vir selfbeskikking ‘n oortreding en minagting is van die Handves;

  5. veroordeel  regerings wat die reg tot selfbeskikking weerhou van mense wat daartoe geregtig is.


  1. Dat in ooreenstemming met Artikel 235 van die Suid Afrikaanse Grondwet ons die reg tot selfbeskikking opeis;

  2. Dat alle diskriminerende wetgewing en praktyke gerig op mense op grond van hulle ras, onwettig verklaar word, met spesiale verwysing na:

    1. Regstellende aksie

    2. Swart ekonomiese bemagtiging

    3. Kwotas in sport en onderwys

    4. Grondhervorming

3. Dat die groep wat hulle reg tot selfbeskikking en uiteindelike onafhanklikheid opeis, as volg gedefinieër word:

3.1 die etniese groep bekend onder die naam “Afrikaner” en/of “Boer” en alle persone van europese afkoms wat identifiseer met die groep;

3.2 gebaseer op die westerse/europese lewensbeskouing en karakter wat betref taal, kultuur, gebruike en tradisies, godsdiens en geskiedenis;

4. Dat meganismes geskep word waaronder die spesifieke groep in beheer geplaas word van hulle eie geskiedenis, taal, onderwys en kultuurlewe in ooreenstemming in in proporsie tot die hoeveelheid belasting wat betaal word deur die persone wat hulle met die spesifieke etniese groep identifiseer;

5. Dat stappe geneem word om ‘n grondgebied/e te identifiseer binne die grense van die huidige Republiek van Suid Afrika in ooreenstemming met die geskiedenis, demografie en ander faktore; en dat volle onafhanklikheid toegestaan word nadat ‘n deeglike studie gedoen is oor grense.



We recognise the right of every individual and group in South Africa to hold political views, religious views and to pursue political ideologies. What we cannot recognise and condone is the paternalistic, simplistic and naïve views of members of the DA and certain members of some so-called “Afrikaans” organisations.


As an ethnic group of Afrikaner/Boers we have certain undeniable rights in international law and conventions to self-determination. This right centres around language, culture, history and tradition. But most of all it centres around our outlook on life as determined by western civilisation. As an ethnic group from western civilisation background we reject multi-culturism as it is practised in South Africa.

Being from western origin determines your choice of language, political system, political ideology, musical taste, traditions, religion and outlook on life. The building blocks of western civilisation determine how you will react in life, in society, in your marital life, in your place of work and in the expectations you have of life and personal growth.

Being from western origin the Afrikaner/Boer associates him/herself with a set of principles.


BKA is aware of hundreds, maybe thousands of people from a western background, who do not wish to associate themselves with our calls for self-determination and independence. We have no problem with your right to a political view and we have no problem if you disassociate yourself from the ethnic group known as Afrikaner/Boer.

But – why then do you react when one of the principles of western civilisation is threatened? Why then do you prefer to stay in a unitary state where western ideals are shunted aside by African ideals?

You CANNOT react as a pragmatist when Afrikaans as a language is under threat; or when western educational standards are under threat; or where the western political system of democracy is attacked. You forfeit that right to fight for western values when you feel yourself comfortable in an African country.

The pragmatist choosing to stay part of the system in South Africa but then reacting when western values in democracy, language, education and civil society are threatened is:

  • Racist to the extreme because his/her views are based on nothing else than the race of the government;

  • Paternalistic to the extreme because his/her views are based on nothing other than the race of the government;

  • Opportunistic to the extreme because he/she expresses individual western views in an African political climate.

  • Not true to him/herself personally to the extreme because they deny all the building blocks making up a human being.

Unless the pragmatist can explain these ambiguous views while staying in a 10:1 minority in an African-dominated and oppressive system in South Africa, he/she should rather keep their mouths shut and not express their ignorance in public and especially not in the media.

If, on the other hand, you do not base your views on a western origin, then you must realise that your descendants (children) will eventually lag behind other western countries in personal development, education, opportunities and way of life.


The African National Congress (ANC) is in essence a black consciousness  movement with several examples of deep-rooted traditional African values. BKA has no problem with that – it is the right of the ANC to pursue an African political system for their people and to further the African ideals.

What IS a problem for BKA, however; is that the ANC-government, through multi-culturism and a unitary state try to impose those ideals on us as a western ethnic group. Not only is the westerner in South Africa treated as a necessary evil from a colonial past, but the ANC government has put in place laws and measures relegating the Afrikaner/Boer to second class citizens with affirmative action, black economic empowerment, quotas, tender procedures, admittance to universities, appointments and promotions in the civil service.

We understand that the ANC has an aversion to colonialism, to western systems and the free market system; that the African in general has a psychological problem with perceived racism; that your spokespersons spew fire at all real and imagined racist attitudes from western nations and westerners.

One set of principles or one civilisation is not superior to the other, but where multi-culturism is practised in the same country with a vast discrepancy in demographics it will always end in turmoil. There is no way whatsoever how multi-culturism can guarantee equal rights to a 10% minority. Not anywhere in the world, not today, not tomorrow. Never.

What the ANC must answer is this: you don’t like the western system, you don’t like westerners meddling in your affairs and criticizing your traditions like sangomas, animal slaughtering, social behaviour, ancestral worship and western customs like freedom of speech.

The question is: why don’t you get rid of us westerners once and for all and grant us our independence?


BKA has no problem with your liberal values based on human rights – it is your choice and you are entitled to it.

In a multi-cultural society, however; you cannot practice human rights and a universal franchise without compromising yourself. It is at this stage that you have to make a choice – either you turn “African” like the Democratic Alliance and abandon western political traditions and customs; turn a blind eye to minorities and embark on a day-to-day existence – or you try to enforce your views in a paternalistic manner on society, which, of course, is racist.

What the DA (and other political parties like the Freedom Front, Cope and IFP) must answer is this: how much of your opposition to the ANC is based on ideology (nil) and how much is based on a day-to-day run-of-the-mill criticism based on a deep paternalistic and racist outlook on life?

In liberal circles many people are mesmerised by the novelty and mystery of other cultures like the African, not realising that what they do in fact is identify themselves as strangers in a strange, novel country. That is totally contrary to what the professed citizenship of the liberal means. The unspoken trend here is that of the typical colonial playing guardian to the uncivilised.


The Boer/Afrikaner is an ethnic group with our own characteristics based on the western civilisation. We want our language, traditions, outlook on life, religion’ history, education, work security, free market principles and social life safeguarded against an oppressive African majority. We want to govern ourselves according to our own principles. Nothing more, nothing less.

Reorganisasie 7 Desember 2013 - Das Gasthaus, Capitol Park, Pretoria


L.n.r Francois Cloete (sekretaris), Hannes Engelbrecht (onderleier), Gordon Fox (voorsitter), Willie Cloete (leier), Abrie Bronkhorst (hoofbestuur Limpopo), Jean Cilliers (dagbestuur), Trevor Stumpke (hoofbestuur Noord Gauteng), Wessel Bosman (penningmeester). Afwesig op foto: Anell Fourie (dagbestuur), Jannie Kuhn (hoofbestuur Noord Kaap), Pieter van Wyk (hoofbestuur KwaZulu Natal), Hans Johanssen (hoofbestuur Suid Gauteng).

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